Moin Morris Schaefer has its own conveyancing division to guide you through buying and selling property and all other property related transactions.
Our friendly and attentive staff offer competitively priced service for all manner of property matters including:
Residential sales and purchases
Rural land sales and purchases
Retirement Village Contracts
Aged Care Agreements
Mortgages and discharges
Boundary adjustments
Development applications
For advice and assistance on residential conveyancing, please contact our Lawyers Georgie Lamond and Kirk Burton, Licensed Conveyancer Lisa Waddell and legal assistants Tammy Henshall and Amber Best. For matters involving rural properties, subdivisions or commercial properties, please contact our solicitors Greg Moin, Emillie Reynolds, Georgie Lamond or licenced conveyancer Lisa Waddell.
For advice on retirement village contracts and aged care agreements please contact our solicitors Greg Moin and Emillie Reynolds.
Emillie Reynolds
Principal Solicitor
Greg Moin
Principal Solicitor
Georgina Lamond
Lisa Waddell
Licensed Conveyancer
Tammy Henshall
Legal Assistant